North Coast Job Seekers Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

Zoom Meeting Link:


Monday, July 22, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


In-Person Resumé Workshop

Review and Improve Your Resume with Experienced Reviewers

In-Person Gathering will be at

Sandler Training by MP Solutions

6060 Rockside Woods Blvd N #105

Independence, OH

NCJS has recruited a group of highly experienced and skilled resumé experts to provide you with one-on-one, personalized reviews of your resumé or CV. Your resumé is one of your most important elements of the job search and with today's technologies many documents are screened out before they ever reach a human for review. Whether it is due to simple spelling or grammar errors, organization of information, formatting, or unedited content, it is essential to have the best resumé possible. One of the most common errors is skipping the step of having a proofreader/editor review your resumé. Our team of experts will offer a review for all of these and more in order to help you have the best possible representation of your experience, skills, and fit for your next job.




In order to take greatest advantage of this opportunity, you need to arrive with the BEST VERSION of your resumé in hand. There are countless online tools and references for resumé writing – use those to polish your resumé prior to this workshop. Our reviewers can then offer their expertise to help bring yours to the top of the hiring manager's stack.


However, even if you are just stuck and can't get your resumé where it needs to be, come to the workshop. You are definitely welcome and our reviewers will do everything they can to help you get your resumé where it needs to be.



• At least two copies of your current resumé or CV

 • A Notepad & Pen

• Openness to constructive review and suggestions

Monday, August 12, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Job Search
Troubleshooting Roundtable

We've all been there in our job searches... those times when we hit a speedbump or roadblock and need help talking it through.  We have discovered in our virtual NCJS meetings that in addition to networking, some of our most valuable time is when we bring our issues to the group and ask for troubleshooting help.  This meeting is a Roundtable of Experts -- ALL of us helping one another.


• Troubleshooting Help

• Tools & Tips

• Resource Sharing

• Networking


We will make the best use of this face-to-face time to help one another in a roundtable format.  We will always have members of the community who have extensive experience, including our facilitators and board members.  All are welcome and all are encouraged to seek input for solving those speedbumps and roadblocks.

Monday, August 26, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Own Your Career: Take Control and Accelerate Your Professional Growth

Speaker: Annette Garstek

In this presentation, Annette will discuss building foundational habits to move your career forward no matter what stage of progression you are in.


As an IACC-credentialed Senior Professional Career Coach and Senior Professional Résumé Writer, Annette Garsteck has become a trusted and visible resource in the career development space. She is the host of the “Forget The Ladder - Reinvent Your Career” podcast, recognized as a Top Career Management Voice on LinkedIn, and has been featured in SUCCESS Magazine, BBC, and more. Having spent two decades in corporate America, Annette often calls on her background as a hiring manager and leader in Fortune 50 and world-class healthcare firms in her work with clients. Her unique vantage point from her past work life provides an insider’s playbook for job-seekers looking to get noticed—and hired.

Monday, September 9, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Job Search
Troubleshooting Roundtable

Monday, September 23, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Beyond the Corporate World

Considering Alternatives to the 9 to 5

Panelists: Paul DiPronio, Darlene Jacobson, and Rick Niedzwiecki

Terese McGroarty, Moderator

Monday, October 14, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Job Search
Troubleshooting Roundtable

Monday, October 28, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Presentation by

Speaker: Bryan Watroba

Monday, November 11, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Job Search
Troubleshooting Roundtable

Monday, November 25, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
[online meeting room will open at 7:15pm]

North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


Coping Skills for the Holidays

with a Panel of Experts

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Meeting Schedule

Currently Meeting Online

Second & Fourth Monday

of each month

7:30 - 9:00pm

Upcoming Meetings

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