Meetings & Schedule

North Coast Job Seekers Meetings

2nd & 4th Mondays of each Month

7:30 to 9:00pm


Currently Meeting Virtually in Zoom Meetings

Zoom Meeting Link:



Monday, July 22, 2024

7:30 – 9:00pm EDT
North Coast Job Seekers Meeting


In-Person Resumé Workshop

Review and Improve Your Resume with Experienced Reviewers

In-Person Gathering will be at

Sandler Training by MP Solutions

6060 Rockside Woods Blvd N #105

Independence, OH

NCJS has recruited a group of highly experienced and skilled resumé experts to provide you with one-on-one, personalized reviews of your resumé or CV. Your resumé is one of your most important elements of the job search and with today's technologies many documents are screened out before they ever reach a human for review. Whether it is due to simple spelling or grammar errors, organization of information, formatting, or unedited content, it is essential to have the best resumé possible. One of the most common errors is skipping the step of having a proofreader/editor review your resumé. Our team of experts will offer a review for all of these and more in order to help you have the best possible representation of your experience, skills, and fit for your next job.




In order to take greatest advantage of this opportunity, you need to arrive with the BEST VERSION of your resumé in hand. There are countless online tools and references for resumé writing – use those to polish your resumé prior to this workshop. Our reviewers can then offer their expertise to help bring yours to the top of the hiring manager's stack.


However, even if you are just stuck and can't get your resumé where it needs to be, come to the workshop. You are definitely welcome and our reviewers will do everything they can to help you get your resumé where it needs to be.



• At least two copies of your current resumé or CV

 • A Notepad & Pen

• Openness to constructive review and suggestions

Use this link to join our virtual meetings with video
from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:


see information below about downloading Zoom app/program
it is NOT required to download the app -- Zoom can run from your browser


Or dial in using your phone:


or dial manually:
(646) 558-8656     Access Code:  8197-6352-173#


Beginning with our April 26, 2021 meeting we transitioned to Zoom (from GoToMeeting).  Several features available in Zoom will add value to our meetings, particularly breakout rooms, in-meeting polls, and a slightly easier user interface.  If you need help with Zoom, we have a few steps below or you can find many very helpful video tutorials online.  We look forward to the new platform as we see our online meetings continuing in the foreseeable future.



Is it necessary to sign up in advance to come to a NCJS meeting?
Definitely not.  Everyone is welcome.  See our schedule of upcoming meetings here on the website and sign up for our e-Connect email newsletter to stay informed.  Join us!

NCJS Online Meetings

North Coast Job Seeker meetings are held online during this season of social distancing.  Using a secure platform, our meetings continue virtually.

Using the familiar video conferencing platform, Zoom, we are continuing our most important NCJS services:  Meeting "face-to-face" for networking, job search support, and presentations to assist professionals in transition.  While not the same as "being there" with the group, these virtual meetings are a helpful time of connecting and networking.  They also serve as good training ground for virtual interviews!


How to prepare for NCJS Virtual meetings:

  • If you need a tutorial for using Zoom (using the app or using the web interface) please use our NCJS Getting Started with Zoom tutorial (see below).
  • Make sure your tech is working and plan a quiet space to join the meetings.
  • If you do not have webcam/video technology, you will be able to call into the meetings and participate with audio only either from your computer or a phone.
  • Review your "30-Second Elevator Speech" to be able to introduce yourself and clearly communicate your expertise and skills to someone who doesn't know you. We will be using these in the online meetings.  Here's an easy to follow tutorial: Elevator Speech
  • At the designated time, join the meeting using the link provided.  Each meeting "room" will open 15 minutes before the meeting begins in order to make sure you are connected and to become familiar with the Zoom platform.

NCJS Getting Started with Zoom Tutorial

This tutorial can help walk you through the steps of using Zoom for our
NCJS meetings.  Topics in the tutorial include a general overview, how to connect
if you already use Zoom, how to download and install Zoom, and how to use Zoom
using your web browser without installing the Zoom app.

NCJS Getting Started with Zoom Tutorial
Designed for NCJS members, this guide will help experienced and novice Zoom users get connected to our online meetings.
Getting Started with Zoom Meetings NCJS [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Suggestions for Networking Between Meetings


Even during this pandemic, job search work does not take a pause.  We have several recommendations and ways that NCJS can continue to support your job search networking and efforts:


  • Our NCJS LinkedIn Group is stronger and more vibrant than ever.  That is an outstanding place to actively network, ask questions, promote discussions, and stay connected with one another.
  • Telephone Networking.  Picking up the phone and talking with other NCJS members you have met, following up on job leads, and networking voice-to-voice is an excellent tool that is not impeded by the COVID-19 virus.
  • Find an Accountability Partner who will commit to helping you stay on track with your job search and with whom you can talk about job search issues.
  • Our NCJS website contains helpful information in our Resource Library that you can explore and use.  We will do our best to bolster that resource during this time.
  • Commit to using this time to focus on your job search via internet searches and online resources, one-on-one meetings (practicing "social distancing" for safety), and making/keeping appointments as you are able.


We are committed to supporting you in whatever ways we can.  We commit to keeping you informed of changes and updates to our scheduled events.  Please be safe, smart, and help others do the same.


-- North Coast Job Seekers Advisory Board

Email Newsletter

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LinkedIn Group

Join our active group on LinkedIn to stay connected with NCJS networks.

Meeting Schedule

Currently Meeting Online

Second & Fourth Monday

of each month

7:30 - 9:00pm

Upcoming Meetings

Have a Job to Post? Looking for Job Postings?

Job postings are handled on our NCJS LinkedIn page. Click below for instructions to post jobs.

Job Postings

Other Job Seeker Groups

View our collaborative/ shared calendar and listing of other NEO job seeker groups.

Other Job Groups

Contact Us

Please use our contact form.

Contact Form

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© 2024 North Coast Job Seekers | Website by KairosStudio Designs